Consultation of Vasto-Lanciano-Pescara-Roma buses schedule
To know the departure and arrival schedule of bus you are looking for, just select the city from where to where. It will be offered a list of possible solutions, some of which can be bought direct online.
For any further doubts, telephone numbers shall be indicated to ask for all informations needed.
Di Fonzo line cover many locations in Abruzzo, creating an extensive network with each other and Rome. These locations are:
Archi, Atessa, Casalbordino, Castelguidone, Castiglione Messer Marino, Chieti, Chieti Scalo, Francavilla, Frisa, Gissi, Lanciano, L’Aquila, Montazzoli, Ortona, Paglieta, Pescara, Pollutri, Rocca San Giovanni, Roio del Sangro, Roma, San Buono, Sant’Apollinare, San Vito Marina, Scerni, Torino di Sangro, Tornareccio, Vasto, Vasto Marina, Villalfonsina, Villa Santa Maria, Sevel and Honda plants.